Saints and their biographical information

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    Mattia Preti, Public domain, via Wikimedia

    November 30: Saint Andrew the Apostle—Feast

    c. 5–10–c. 60–80
    Patron Saint of boatmen, butchers, farm workers, fish dealers, fishermen, happy marriages, maidens, miners, paralytics, pregnant women, ropemakers, sailmakers, sailors, singers, spinsters, textile workers, water carriers, and women who wish to become mothers
    Invoked against cramps, convulsions, dysentery, fever, gout, neck pain, paralysis, sore throats, and whooping cough
    Pre-Congregation canonization
    Liturgical Color: Red
    Version: Full – Short

    Podcast channels:
    Apple – Spotify – iHeart – Audible

    Ægeates then being enraged, ordered the blessed Andrew to be fastened to the cross.

    And he, having left them all, goes up to the cross, and says to it with a clear voice: Rejoice, O cross, which has been consecrated by the body of Christ, and adorned by His limbs as if with pearls. Assuredly before my Lord went up on you, you had much earthly fear; but no