Journal of biography autobiography lesson

  • Journal of biography autobiography lesson
  • Journal of biography autobiography lesson

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    Lesson Plan #:AELP-WCP002
    Submitted by: Jody K. Vilschick
    Endorsed by: Diane Jacobs, Professor
    Special Note: Al Eisel, JHU Professor and teacher at Rosa Parks Middle School in Olney, Md., contributed the idea for the lemon activity
    School, or Affiliation: Johns Hopkins University Date: December 5, 1995

    Grade Level(s): 8, 9, 10, 11, 12


    • Language Arts/Writing (composition)

    Description: This lesson plan serves as an introduction to a study of autobiography (such as Frederick Douglass’) and/or journal writing.

    In addition, students will learn to distinguish between facts they know, sensory detail, and their imagination, and practice applying all three to their writing. This lesson plan covers two days and can be used for 8th through 12th grade students.

    Objective: After completing this lesson, students will be able to produce a short fictional autobiography using their imagination and sensory details.


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